7 Tips for People Working from Home


1. Create a Designated Workspace (And Keep It Tidy) – Have a designated workspace that you can call your "office" to help make the distinction between where you work and where you live. Then keep your workspace organized and your essentials at hand – notes, office supplies, and water. 

- Homes in Hawaii usually lack storage and extra space, so if you don't have an extra room, designate an area from your house, such as a corner of a room, that you call "office". Furnish it and arrange it so it looks like a work area.

2. Stick with Your Regularly Scheduled Programming – Keep your normal work routine and schedule in place. Use the time you would usually take to commute to do something for yourself, like make a healthy breakfast, work out or walk the dog a little longer.

- I like to do yoga and stretching first thing in the morning- it gives me energy for the workday ahead.

3. Dress for Success – While you may not want to dress up as much as you did for the office, getting out of your pajamas helps put you into a productive and more energetic mentality.

- Also, if you have an important phone call, stand up instead of sitting down.0

4. Stay Connected –Microsoft Teams, Skype and Zoom help you stay in touch with your clients and colleagues.

5. Coordinate “Do Not Disturb” Times – For those who aren’t home alone, coordinate the silent hours you absolutely need with those you live with. Create the Zen space that you need to concentrate – noise-canceling headphones, and calming sound effect apps. Also, if you are working on an important task, put your phone on silent, so random text messages don't distract you.

- I would recommend the Calm App- they have a variety of nice and relaxing music.

6. Remember to Take Breaks and Get Fresh Air – Productivity doesn't occur from non-stop, limitless hours of work. Take short breaks to stretch your legs, go for a quick walk, or grab a snack.

- Don't forget to take a lunch break! I also like going for a walk- it helps me destress and rest my eyes.

7. Log Off – It might be tempting to work a little later each night because your computer is so handy, but it's important to keep that work/life balance. So make sure to log off when you normally would if you were at the office.



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